“Lie to them, Jack” (A real short read)

“Lie to them, Jack. If you do it half as well as you lie to yourself, they’ll believe you.”


John Locke (played by Terry O’Quinn) delivers this line to Matthew Fox’s character, spinal surgeon and perpetual hero and soul-tortured martyr Jack Shephard. Didn’t take me long to tire of Jack, and yet he was one that endured while others I liked more got killed off on LOST. Dr. Responsible seemed more or less a reiteration of Fox’s way back character Charlie on Party of Five. Remember that relentless ride of sibling family drama and angst? 

It was horrible. So much so my brother and I took to calling it “Misery of Five”.

Well, Once Charlie now Dr. Jack has spent a good portion of four binged seasons racing around trying to be mister boss-man in an attempt to weaponize moral equivalency and save everyone else for the future he has determined is right for them.

In the meantime, John Locke continues his communing with the island and doing its apparent bidding, which has put him often at odds with the doctor, despite the doctor having been shown time and time again that Locke may just be correct about what the island wants. It has been a challenge for the woe-is-me man of science to come to grips with the reality that there are forces at play that can’t really be ‘splained’ away.

I know what goes down, but I won’t spoil it. I’m just about to the point where it gets to be a bit too much, and “a bit too much” is my middle name so you know it must be too much. I’m watching on Hulu, if you get curious.

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